Wednesday 8 June 2011

World Oceans Day Is Today! (8th June)

World Oceans Day Is Today! (8th June)

Shops all over the country are supporting Fish4Ever and World Oceans Day today (8th June 2011) by telling customers about WOD and also about the Marine Conservation Society Save Our Seas campaign.

They will also be encouraging customers to buy their sustainable canned fish this week to support the Fish4Ever pledge to give a percentage of its sales to the MSC.

As Britain's top independent sustainable canned fish company, Fish4Ever, is committed to both good fish and good causes. Which is why it is donating 10% of its sales to the Marine Conservation Society Save Our Seas campaign aimed at increasing protected marine areas - but only this week!

Fish4Ever MD Charles Redfern says: "The importance of protected areas cannot be underestimated and the work that the MCS is doing to encourage their development deserves all the encouragement we can give.

"As a company we want to ensure that fish and the seas are safe for the future and one way to do this is to have protected areas. The other is to ensure that all the fish we eat come from sustainable sources and that the communities that provide the fish are also protected. Fish4Ever does this by only sourcing fish from places where supplies are plentiful, using methods which don't damage the environment or cause by-catch and by supporting the fishermen and canneries who are doing a good job."

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